BBC 1 Supermarket Secrets

We hope you caught us appearing on BBC Supermarket Secrets on the 17th April! We were joined by presenter Nikki Fox and the film team in one of our crops to learn about the story of our ready-to-eat quinoa pouches which launched in Sainsbury’s at the end of last year.
There was a discussion regarding how microwave meals are easy and convenient, however people now seem to be moving towards healthier alternatives and our British quinoa was featured in this program as an example of this. We explained how we first come up with a way to grow quinoa in the British weather and the struggles involved over the past decade of growing quinoa. An important part of the feature delved into how we work with nature and don’t use any herbicides in our quinoa crops, preferring instead to choose a taller variety which helps the quinoa compete against weeds, this is vital because it determines how well our crops perform each season.
Our quinoa is the first 100% British Quinoa to be grown in this country, and we took three years to develop our ready-to-eat quinoa pouches before having them on the shelves of Sainsbury’s. We designed them to be super convenient, needing only a minute and a half in the microwave and they’re good to go!
Thank you Sainsbury’s for joining us on the day and to the Supermarket Secrets team for a really enjoyable time.
If you would like to watch the full episode, check out Supermarket Secrets on BBC iPlayer in the link below.