
Filming for Countryfile

Several months ago we were contacted by the BBC asking if we would like to feature our quinoa on an edition of Countryfile, we couldn’t resist and jumped at the chance! So earlier this summer our farm was visited by Adam Henson, along with film crew in tow.

The first job of the day was to get our microphones sorted, perhaps a job easier said than done and involving having various hands stuck up your jumper to feed wires around your person. With that sorted we were ready to begin and filming was carried out in one of our largest quinoa fields where we were interviewed all about how we arrived at where we are today. Luckily filming took place on a nice dry day and the crop looked beautiful swaying in the wind.

The production team were keen to film another alternative crop called Oca that we are trialling on our farm, where we explained the trials work that we were performing and why we thought Oca could be a great crop for production in the UK. Towards the end of filming it was into the kitchen to show off one how to make one of our favourite quinoa recipes, as well as some of the other quinoa ‘creations’ we’ve developed. The food went down a treat and the film crew never even questioned whether we actually knew what we were doing in the kitchen! Once filming was all wrapped up we waved Adam and the film crew on their way, but not before grabbing a few great photo opportunities first!

You can view our episode of Countryfile below, and it would be great to know what you think of it.